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[build] Rewrite to support multiple source files
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Running util/ on all source files (637) one by one takes
approximately 35 seconds because of the startup cost of each invocation.
With the utility rewritten to support multiple source files it now takes
approximately 1 second to scan all source files for ROM declarations.

The --exclude-driver and --exclude-driver-class options have been added,
making it possible to skip certain source files from being scanned at all.

In addition --debug option has been added to more easily trace progress.

Finally --help option was added to show usage information.

Signed-off-by: Robin Smidsrød <>
Signed-off-by: Michael Brown <>
  • Loading branch information
robinsmidsrod authored and mcb30 committed Apr 13, 2015
1 parent d9166bb commit 68d8a44
Showing 1 changed file with 244 additions and 51 deletions.
295 changes: 244 additions & 51 deletions src/util/
@@ -1,66 +1,259 @@
#!/usr/bin/env perl
# Parse PCI_ROM and ISA_ROM entries from a source file on stdin and
# output the relevant Makefile variable definitions to stdout
# Parse PCI_ROM and ISA_ROM entries from source file(s) specified as
# arguments and output the relevant Makefile rules to STDOUT.
# Based upon portions of Ken Yap's
# Originally based on portions of Ken Yap's Completely
# rewritten by Robin Smidsrød to be more maintainable.

use strict;
use warnings;
use Getopt::Long;

die "Syntax: $0 driver_source.c" unless @ARGV == 1;
my $source = shift;
open DRV, "<$source" or die "Could not open $source: $!\n";
# Parse command-line options
my @exclude_driver_classes = ();
my @exclude_drivers = ();
my $debug = 0;
my $help = 0;
"exclude-driver-class=s" => \@exclude_driver_classes,
"exclude-driver=s" => \@exclude_drivers,
"debug" => \$debug,
"help" => \$help,

( my $family, my $driver_name ) = ( $source =~ /^(.*?([^\/]+))\..$/ )
or die "Could not parse source file name \"$source\"\n";
# Convert exclution arrays to lookup tables
my $exclude_driver_class_map = { map { $_ => 1 } @exclude_driver_classes };
my $exclude_driver_map = { map { $_ => 1 } @exclude_drivers };

my $printed_family;
# Ensure STDOUT and STDERR are synchronized if debugging
if ( $debug ) {

# Compile regular expressions here for slight performance boost
my %RE = (
'parse_driver_class' => qr{ drivers/ (\w+?) / }x,
'parse_family' => qr{^ (?:\./)? (.*) \..+? $}x,
'find_rom_line' => qr/^ \s* ( (PCI|ISA)_ROM \s* \( \s* (.*?) ) $/x,
'extract_pci_id' => qr/^ \s* 0x([0-9A-Fa-f]{4}) \s* ,? \s* (.*) $/x,
'extract_quoted_string' => qr/^ \s* \" ([^\"]*?) \" \s* ,? \s* (.*) $/x,

# Show help if required arguments are missing or help was requested
show_usage_and_exit() if $help or @ARGV < 1;

# Process each source file specified
process_source_file($_) for @ARGV;


sub show_usage_and_exit {
print STDERR <<"EOM";
Syntax: $0 [<options>] <source-file> [<source-file>]
--exclude-driver-class Exclude specified driver classes
--exclude-driver Exclude specified drivers
--debug Output debug information on STDERR
--help This help information
exit 1;

# Figure out if source file is a driver and look for ROM declarations
sub process_source_file {
my ($source_file) = @_;
return unless defined $source_file;
return unless length $source_file;
my $state = { 'source_file' => $source_file };
log_debug("SOURCE_FILE", $state->{source_file});
# Skip source files that aren't drivers
parse_driver_class( $state );
unless ( $state->{'driver_class'} ) {
log_debug("SKIP_NOT_DRIVER", $state->{source_file} );
# Skip source files with driver classes that are explicitly excluded
if ( $exclude_driver_class_map->{ $state->{'driver_class'} } ) {
log_debug("SKIP_EXCL_CLASS", $state->{'driver_class'} );
# Skip source files without driver information
parse_family( $state );
parse_driver_name( $state );
unless ( $state->{'family'} and $state->{'driver_name'} ) {
log_debug("SKIP_NO_DRV_INFO", $state->{source_file} );
# Skip source files with drivers that are explicitly excluded
if ( $exclude_driver_map->{ $state->{'driver_name'} } ) {
log_debug("SKIP_EXCL_DRV", $state->{'driver_name'} );
# Iterate through lines in source files looking for ROM declarations
# and # output Makefile rules
open( my $fh, "<", $state->{'source_file'} )
or die "Couldn't open $state->{source_file}: $!\n";
while (<$fh>) {
process_rom_decl($state, $1, $2, $3) if m/$RE{find_rom_line}/;
close($fh) or die "Couldn't close $source_file: $!\n";
return 1;

# Verify that the found ROM declaration is sane and dispatch to the right
# handler depending on type
sub process_rom_decl {
my ($state, $rom_line, $rom_type, $rom_decl) = @_;
return unless defined $rom_line;
return unless length $rom_line;
log_debug("ROM_LINE", $rom_line);
return unless defined $rom_type;
return unless length $rom_type;
log_debug("ROM_TYPE", $rom_type);
$state->{'type'} = lc $rom_type;
return process_pci_rom($state, $rom_decl) if $rom_type eq "PCI";
return process_isa_rom($state, $rom_decl) if $rom_type eq "ISA";

# Extract values from PCI_ROM declaration lines and dispatch to
# Makefile rule generator
sub process_pci_rom {
my ($state, $decl) = @_;
return unless defined $decl;
return unless length $decl;
(my $vendor, $decl) = extract_pci_id($decl, 'PCI_VENDOR');
(my $device, $decl) = extract_pci_id($decl, 'PCI_DEVICE');
(my $image, $decl) = extract_quoted_string($decl, 'IMAGE');
(my $desc, $decl) = extract_quoted_string($decl, 'DESCRIPTION');
if ( $vendor and $device and $image and $desc ) {
print_make_rules( $state, "${vendor}${device}", $desc, $vendor, $device );
print_make_rules( $state, $image, $desc, $vendor, $device, 1 );
else {
log_debug("WARNING", "Malformed PCI_ROM macro on line $. of $state->{source_file}");
return 1;

# Extract values from ISA_ROM declaration lines and dispatch to
# Makefile rule generator
sub process_isa_rom {
my ($state, $decl) = @_;
return unless defined $decl;
return unless length $decl;
(my $image, $decl) = extract_quoted_string($decl, 'IMAGE');
(my $desc, $decl) = extract_quoted_string($decl, 'DESCRIPTION');
if ( $image and $desc ) {
print_make_rules( $state, $image, $desc );
else {
log_debug("WARNING", "Malformed ISA_ROM macro on line $. of $state->{source_file}");
return 1;

sub rom {
( my $type, my $image, my $desc, my $vendor, my $device, my $dup ) = @_;
my $ids = $vendor ? "$vendor,$device" : "-";
unless ( $printed_family ) {
# Output Makefile rules for the specified ROM declarations
sub print_make_rules {
my ( $state, my $image, my $desc, my $vendor, my $device, my $dup ) = @_;
unless ( $state->{'is_header_printed'} ) {
print "# NIC\t\n";
print "# NIC\tfamily\t$state->{family}\n";
print "DRIVERS += $state->{driver_name}\n";
print "\n";
$state->{'is_header_printed'} = 1;
return if $vendor and ( $vendor eq "ffff" or $device eq "ffff" );
my $ids = $vendor ? "$vendor,$device" : "-";
print "# NIC\t$image\t$ids\t$desc\n";
print "DRIVER_$image = $state->{driver_name}\n";
print "ROM_TYPE_$image = $state->{type}\n";
print "ROM_DESCRIPTION_$image = \"$desc\"\n";
print "PCI_VENDOR_$image = 0x$vendor\n" if $vendor;
print "PCI_DEVICE_$image = 0x$device\n" if $device;
print "ROMS += $image\n" unless $dup;
print "ROMS_$state->{driver_name} += $image\n" unless $dup;
print "\n";
print "# NIC\t\n";
print "# NIC\tfamily\t$family\n";
print "DRIVERS += $driver_name\n";
$printed_family = 1;
print "\n";
return if ( $vendor && ( ( $vendor eq "ffff" ) || ( $device eq "ffff" ) ) );
print "# NIC\t$image\t$ids\t$desc\n";
print "DRIVER_$image = $driver_name\n";
print "ROM_TYPE_$image = $type\n";
print "ROM_DESCRIPTION_$image = \"$desc\"\n";
print "PCI_VENDOR_$image = 0x$vendor\n" if $vendor;
print "PCI_DEVICE_$image = 0x$device\n" if $device;
print "ROMS += $image\n" unless $dup;
print "ROMS_$driver_name += $image\n" unless $dup;
return 1;

# Driver class is whatever comes after the "drivers" part of the filename (relative path)
sub parse_driver_class {
my ($state) = @_;
my $filename = $state->{'source_file'};
return unless defined $filename;
return unless length $filename;
if ( $filename =~ m/$RE{parse_driver_class}/ ) {
log_debug("DRIVER_CLASS", $1);
$state->{'driver_class'} = $1;

# Family name is filename (relative path) without extension
sub parse_family {
my ($state) = @_;
my $filename = $state->{'source_file'};
return unless defined $filename;
return unless length $filename;
if ( $filename =~ m/$RE{parse_family}/ ) {
log_debug("FAMILY", $1);
$state->{'family'} = $1;

# Driver name is last part of family name
sub parse_driver_name {
my ($state) = @_;
my $family = $state->{'family'};
return unless defined $family;
return unless length $family;
my @parts = split "/", $family;
$state->{'driver_name'} = $parts[-1];
log_debug("DRIVER", $state->{'driver_name'});

while ( <DRV> ) {
next unless /(PCI|ISA)_ROM\s*\(/;

if ( /^\s*PCI_ROM\s*\(
\s*0x([0-9A-Fa-f]{4})\s*, # PCI vendor
\s*0x([0-9A-Fa-f]{4})\s*, # PCI device
\s*\"([^\"]*)\"\s*, # Image
\s*\"([^\"]*)\"\s*, # Description
\s*.*\s* # Driver data
\)/x ) {
( my $vendor, my $device, my $image, my $desc ) = ( lc $1, lc $2, $3, $4 );
rom ( "pci", lc "${vendor}${device}", $desc, $vendor, $device );
rom ( "pci", $image, $desc, $vendor, $device, 1 );
} elsif ( /^\s*ISA_ROM\s*\(
\s*\"([^\"]*)\"\s*, # Image
\s*\"([^\"]*)\"\s* # Description
\)/x ) {
( my $image, my $desc ) = ( $1, $2 );
rom ( "isa", $image, $desc );
} else {
warn "Malformed PCI_ROM or ISA_ROM macro on line $. of $source\n";
# Extract a PCI vendor/device ID e.g. 0x8086, possibly followed by a comma
# Should always be 4-digit lower-case hex number
sub extract_pci_id {
my ($str, $label) = @_;
return "", $str unless defined $str;
return "", $str unless length $str;
if ( $str =~ m/$RE{extract_pci_id}/ ) {
my $id = lc $1;
log_debug($label, $id);
return $id, $2;
return "", $str;

close DRV;
# Extract a double-quoted string, possibly followed by a comma
sub extract_quoted_string {
my ($str, $label) = @_;
return "", $str unless defined $str;
return "", $str unless length $str;
if ( $str =~ m/$RE{extract_quoted_string}/ ) {
log_debug($label, $1);
return $1, $2;
return "", $str;

# Output debug info to STDERR (off by default)
sub log_debug {
my ($label, $str) = @_;
return unless $debug;
return unless defined $str;
print STDERR "\n" if $label eq 'SOURCE_FILE';
print STDERR "=";
if ( defined $label ) {
my $pad_count = 16 - length $label;
print STDERR $label . ":" . ( " " x $pad_count );
print STDERR $str . "\n";

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