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[perl] Allow for reporting of test results via HTTP
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Signed-off-by: Michael Brown <>
  • Loading branch information
mcb30 committed Dec 21, 2013
1 parent d2fd435 commit 5b87859
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Showing 21 changed files with 924 additions and 128 deletions.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions perl/Makefile.PL
Expand Up @@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ install_script "qpxe-dhcpd", "qpxe-demo";

requires "Carp";
requires "Carp::Clan";
requires "TryCatch";
requires "Moose";
requires "Moose::Util::TypeConstraints";
requires "MooseX::StrictConstructor";
Expand All @@ -22,5 +23,6 @@ requires "Net::SSH::Perl";
requires "Net::SFTP";
requires "Net::XMPP";
requires "Data::UUID";
requires "Catalyst";

78 changes: 76 additions & 2 deletions perl/lib/Net/XMPP/
Expand Up @@ -6,21 +6,76 @@ use strict;
use warnings;

use parent qw ( Exporter );
our %EXPORT_TAGS = (
our @EXPORT_OK = map { @$_ } values %EXPORT_TAGS;

use constant XMPP_PUBSUB_NS => "";
use constant XMPP_PUBSUB_OWNER_NS => "";
use constant XMPP_PUBSUB_EVENT_NS => "";

Net::XMPP::Protocol->AddNamespace (
ns => "__netxmpp__:iq:pubsub:publish:item",
tag => "item",
xpath => {
ID => { type => "scalar", path => '@id' },
Raw => { type => "raw" },
} );

Net::XMPP::Protocol->AddNamespace (
ns => "__netxmpp__:iq:pubsub:publish",
tag => "publish",
xpath => {
Node => { type => "scalar", path => '@node' },
Item => { type => "child", path => 'item',
child => { ns => "__netxmpp__:iq:pubsub:publish:item" },
calls => [ qw ( Add Get Defined ) ] },
} );

Net::XMPP::Protocol->AddNamespace (
ns => "__netxmpp__:iq:pubsub:configure:x:field",
tag => "field",
xpath => {
Var => { type => "scalar", path => '@var' },
Value => { type => "scalar", path => 'value/text()' },
} );

Net::XMPP::Protocol->AddNamespace (
ns => "jabber:x:data",
tag => "x",
xpath => {
Type => { type => "scalar", path => '@type' },
Field => { type => "child", path => 'field',
child => { ns => "__netxmpp__:iq:pubsub:configure:x:field" },
calls => [ qw ( Add Get Defined ) ] },
} );

Net::XMPP::Protocol->AddNamespace (
ns => "__netxmpp__:iq:pubsub:configure",
tag => "configure",
xpath => {
Node => { type => "scalar", path => '@node' },
X => { type => "child", path => 'x',
child => { ns => "jabber:x:data" },
calls => [ qw ( Add Get Defined ) ] },
} );

Net::XMPP::Protocol->AddNamespace (
tag => "pubsub",
xpath => {
CreateNode => { type => "scalar", path => 'create/@node' },
Configure => { type => "flag", path => 'configure' },
Configure => { type => "child", path => 'configure',
child => { ns => "__netxmpp__:iq:pubsub:configure" },
calls => [ qw ( Add Get Defined ) ] },
SubscribeNode => { type => "scalar", path => 'subscribe/@node' },
SubscribeJID => { type => "jid", path => 'subscribe/@jid' },
UnsubscribeNode => { type => "scalar", path => 'unsubscribe/@node' },
UnsubscribeJID => { type => "jid", path => 'unsubscribe/@jid' },
Publish => { type => "child", path => 'publish',
child => { ns => "__netxmpp__:iq:pubsub:publish" },
calls => [ qw ( Add Get Defined ) ] },
} );

Net::XMPP::Protocol->AddNamespace (
Expand All @@ -30,4 +85,23 @@ Net::XMPP::Protocol->AddNamespace (
DeleteNode => { type => "scalar", path => 'delete/@node' },
} );

Net::XMPP::Protocol->AddNamespace (
ns => "__netxmpp__:message:pubsub:items",
tag => "items",
xpath => {
Node => { type => "scalar", path => '@node' },
Item => { type => "child", path => 'item',
child => { ns => "__netxmpp__:iq:pubsub:publish:item" },
calls => [ qw ( Add Get Defined ) ] },
} );

Net::XMPP::Protocol->AddNamespace (
tag => "event",
xpath => {
Items => { type => "child", path => 'items',
child => { ns => "__netxmpp__:message:pubsub:items" },
calls => [ qw ( Add Get Defined ) ] },
} );

6 changes: 1 addition & 5 deletions perl/lib/qPXE/
Expand Up @@ -19,12 +19,8 @@ qPXE::Dhcpd - An instance of ISC DHCPD

use Moose;
use MooseX::StrictConstructor;
use MooseX::Method::Signatures;
use MooseX::MarkAsMethods autoclean => 1;
use qPXE::Moose;
use File::Temp;
use Carp;
use strict;
use warnings;

Expand Down
22 changes: 22 additions & 0 deletions perl/lib/qPXE/
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
package qPXE::Error;

=head1 NAME
qPXE::Error - Base class for qPXE exceptions
use qPXE::Error;
qPXE::Error->throw ( "Something bad happened" );

use qPXE::Moose;

extends "Throwable::Error";

# StackTrace::Auto prevents inlined constructors
__PACKAGE__->meta->make_immutable ( inline_constructor => 0 );

234 changes: 234 additions & 0 deletions perl/lib/qPXE/Error/
@@ -0,0 +1,234 @@
package qPXE::Error::XMPP;

=head1 NAME
qPXE::Error::XMPP - qPXE XMPP exceptions
use qPXE::Error::XMPP;

use qPXE::Moose;
extends "qPXE::Error";
__PACKAGE__->meta->make_immutable ( inline_constructor => 0 );

=head2 C<qPXE::Error::XMPP::CannotConnect>
Cannot connect to XMPP server.
=item C<detail>
Detailed reason for connection failure.

package qPXE::Error::XMPP::CannotConnect;
use qPXE::Moose;
extends "qPXE::Error::XMPP";
has "+message" => (
lazy => 1,
builder => "_build_message"
has "detail" => (
is => "ro",
isa => "Str",
required => 1,
default => sub { $! },
method _build_message () {
return "Cannot connect to XMPP server: ".$self->detail;
__PACKAGE__->meta->make_immutable ( inline_constructor => 0 );

=head2 C<qPXE::Error::XMPP::Unauthorized>
XMPP authorization failed.
=item C<detail>
Detailed reason for authorization failure.

package qPXE::Error::XMPP::Unauthorized;
use qPXE::Moose;
extends "qPXE::Error::XMPP";
has "+message" => (
lazy => 1,
builder => "_build_message"
has "detail" => (
is => "ro",
isa => "Str",
required => 1,
method _build_message () {
return "XMPP authorization failed: ".$self->detail;
__PACKAGE__->meta->make_immutable ( inline_constructor => 0 );

=head2 C<qPXE::Error::XMPP::Disconnected>
Disconnected from XMPP server.

package qPXE::Error::XMPP::Disconnected;
use qPXE::Moose;
extends "qPXE::Error::XMPP";
has "+message" => ( default => "Disconnected from XMPP server" );
__PACKAGE__->meta->make_immutable ( inline_constructor => 0 );

=head2 C<qPXE::Error::XMPP::Timeout>
Timed out while waiting for XMPP server.

package qPXE::Error::XMPP::Timeout;
use qPXE::Moose;
extends "qPXE::Error::XMPP";
has "+message" => ( default => "Timed out waiting for XMPP message" );
__PACKAGE__->meta->make_immutable ( inline_constructor => 0 );

=head2 C<qPXE::Error::XMPP::IQMissing>
No response to XMPP InfoQuery.
=item C<request>
The C<Net::XMPP::IQ> object representing the IQ request.

package qPXE::Error::XMPP::IQMissing;
use qPXE::Moose;
extends "qPXE::Error::XMPP";
has "+message" => (
lazy => 1,
builder => "_build_message"
has "request" => (
is => "ro",
isa => "Net::XMPP::IQ",
required => 1,
method _build_message () {
return "No response to XMPP InfoQuery:\n".$self->request->GetXML();
__PACKAGE__->meta->make_immutable ( inline_constructor => 0 );

=head2 C<qPXE::Error::XMPP::IQ>
XMPP InfoQuery failed.
=item C<response>
The C<Net::XMPP::IQ> object representing the IQ response.

package qPXE::Error::XMPP::IQ;
use qPXE::Moose;
extends "qPXE::Error::XMPP";
has "+message" => (
lazy => 1,
builder => "_build_message"
has "response" => (
is => "ro",
isa => "Net::XMPP::IQ",
required => 1,
method _build_message () {
return ( "XMPP InfoQuery failed: ".$self->response->GetErrorCode()."\n".
$self->response->GetXML() );
__PACKAGE__->meta->make_immutable ( inline_constructor => 0 );

=head2 C<qPXE::Error::XMPP::Unexpected>
Unexpected XMPP event message.
=item C<node> (optional)
Node ID.
=item C<id> (optional)
Item ID.
=item C<payload> (optional)
Item payload, as an C<XML::LibXML::Document> object.

package qPXE::Error::XMPP::Unexpected;
use qPXE::Moose;
extends "qPXE::Error::XMPP";
has "+message" => (
lazy => 1,
builder => "_build_message"
has "node" => (
is => "ro",
isa => "Str",
predicate => "has_node",
has "id" => (
is => "ro",
isa => "Str",
predicate => "has_id",
has "payload" => (
is => "ro",
isa => "XML::LibXML::Document",
predicate => "has_payload",
method _build_message () {
my $message = "Unexpected XMPP message";
$message .= " for node \"".$self->node."\"" if $self->has_node;
$message .= " with ID \"".$self->id."\"" if $self->has_id;
$message .= ":\n".$self->payload->serialize() if $self->has_payload;
return $message;
__PACKAGE__->meta->make_immutable ( inline_constructor => 0 );


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